【同义词辨析】 2017-06-12 开始begin-inaugurate
begin: is the most general and applies especially to less formal contexts: school ~s at eight; ~ to wash the dishes.
commence: suggests greater formality: let the games ~. 请注意,重音在第二个音节
start: suggests a getting or setting into motion: the procession ~ed out slowly.
initiate: suggests the taking of a first step of a process or series: ~d the custom of annual gift giving.
inaugurate: implies a ceremonial beginning: the discovery of penicillin ~d a new medical age.
begin开始: 最通用,特别适用于非正式场合,commence开始: 更正式,start开始: 开始行动(即动作,主语或宾语是动作不是事物)或使开始行动,initiate发起: 表示迈出一个过程或系列的第一步,inaugurate开创开幕就职启用: 有仪式典礼感觉的开始
记忆方法: 1) 首字母BCSII重组成CBS II,想成哥伦比亚广播公司二频道<==开始广播 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS Broadcasting Inc.,Columbia Broadcasting System,缩写为CBS)是美国三大全国性商业广播电视网之一,1927年成立,总部设在纽约
2) 开始的意思是迈出路程过程操作的第一步mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation.首字母BCSII重组成CBS II,想成哥伦比亚广播公司二频道<==开始广播